Contact Information:
Nigel Chute
Chute Design
Tel: 01285 239016
Email: nigel@chutedesign.co.uk
Website: Click Here
Chute Design - Product Design Consultancy
So you’ve had your brainwave – what next?
With a wealth of knowledge and experience the Chute Design team will provide the expertise you need to help you bring your product to market. We discuss and meet your requirements with a plan to turn your vision into reality with key steps including timescales and costs agreed in advance.
Our creative process enables the right combination of product functionality, styling, ergonomics and cost effectiveness. Using the latest 3D CAD software Chute Design translate concept designs into technically resolved solutions ready for prototyping and manufacture - never forgetting it’s your baby.
The integrated management of Intellectual Property (IP) portfolios has been central to our approach for over 20 years.
Chute Design hold a number of granted patents relating to our own products and are familiar with the workings of the system (such as the UK IPO) including critical factors such as planning for due dates and costs.
Assisted by top patent and trademark attorneys, Chute design take a pragmatic view concerning the most effective means of achieving your three crucial IP objectives:
- Safeguard your assets and lock in the value.
- Avoid infringement of anyone else’s rights (IPRs).
- Assist exploitation of commercial opportunities.
From individual prototypes to mass production Chute Design can manage the entire development process for you.
We specialise in Design For Manufacture (DFM) to take away the strain which can happen taking a design from concept to reality.
On the prototyping side we have access to the most up-to-date additive manufacturing processes including 3D printing straight from SolidWorks and other CAD files.
For volume manufacture Chute Design enjoys long-established relationships with suppliers both in the UK and Far East, covering technologies from injection-moulded plastics to fabrications and electronics.
A consistently market-led approach characterises everything we do at Chute Design.
Key to this is more than 30 years’ experience of not only working for clients large and small but also developing and marketing products at our own cost. You might say we’ve got the scars!
Consequently we are sensitive to the risks involved, always striving to steer the opportunity away from the pitfalls and towards successful realisation. Above all we recognise the imperative for new products of first-mover advantage.
Chute Design have over 20 years’ experience of licencing rights (IPRs) in inventions to industry.
This began with our own concepts and quickly evolved into helping other innovators realise their ambitions in the marketplace. We always stress the teamwork aspect providing an inventor, for example, with a much broader skill set and thereby boost the prospects of getting a return on their investment.
Chute Design’s market-led approach is reflected in our fast growing involvement with branding.
Graphics, packaging and fulfillment are crucial elements in realising commercial potential and we now work with clients in many different fields for both product and service propositions. Door opener presentations are crucial sales tools for creating instant credibility and gaining access to markets.
Key associate May Media hails from a marketing background which means Chute Design can provide the capabilities of a full services agency when you need it – all under one roof.
Nigel Chute BA(Hons) Industrial Design (Eng.) MCSD
What drives me? The frustration of seeing great people and opportunities fall short - and miss out!
For me it’s all about the team – together bringing your vision to life. After qualifying in 1983 I was lucky enough to work for some of the UK’s top design houses before being elected to full membership of the Chartered Society of Designers and founding Chute Design in 1988. Since then I’ve been guiding clients through the process and helping them making it happen.
And the future? Surely we now need the next generation of young entrepreneurs more than ever?
In my role as mentor I try to give youngsters a taste of the outside world beyond formal education and see if I can move them forward a click on life’s ratchet! By providing a bit of a sounding board I have been privileged to share some of their dreams and witness astonishing feats of leadership and teamwork.
So good news - Little Storks are hatching!
More details about Chute Design - Product Design Consultancy (External Link)
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