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Top Tips to Help Boost Your Mood

We have put together Top Tips to help boost your mood. Read through and email us at office@glos.info if you have any more tips we can add to the list. 

top tips to boost your mood glos.info

  1. Mark suggested /text/social media all your friends and connections you never have time to catch up with normally as they may feel lonely or isolated as well.
  2. Do some exercise yoga,Pilates, mindfulness or take a walk. So much online. For free Also healthy, suggested by Wendy.
  3. Christopher suggested As long as they are not house-bound go for a walk. Pick up the phone and talk to a friend or family member. Also, i diarise what meals i will be cooking, making sure that 50% are recipes I have not done before!
  4. Andy said getting outdoors can make a big difference, socialising and sharing.
  5. Ellie suggested to definately go for a walk if possible, watch some comedy, play a game with your dog if you have one, Ellie and her son have been jumping on the beds instant cheer up.
  6. Bryony siad A walk and doorstep chat with a friend, Buy yourself some flowers when you do a shop or order some plants for the house, Have a long aromatherapy bath. These all work for her.
  7. Watch Capt Tom 100th birthday fly past this morning on the beeb, suggested by Jez.
  8. Mel makes a list of daily jobs to do and then do them - it concentrates the mind and gives you a psychological boost as you tick them off the list!
  9. Pauline Masters Move the body, dance, sing, walk, prance about, yoga, indoor circuits and so on. Smile 😊They all help shift mood, realease edorphins and help you to feel better πŸ€—All great things suggested by Pauline.
  10. Robin is busy with something like a project or 10 helps stop me from feeling sad, lonely or bored. This lockdown can be a good opportunity to learn something new & exciting. You could learn a new language or a new skill or work on your current abilities.
  11. Lorna suggested A guided meditation and also try some grounding walk outside of possible in the garden without shoes to feel the earth it helps.
  12. Rachel mentioned we all need to remember why we are doing this. We also need to remember that it's just a temporary situation. 😊
  13. Remind yourself how fortunate you are to be healthy, have a roof over your head and food on your table! πŸ’™πŸŒˆπŸ’™πŸŒˆ Suggested by Sarah.
  14. Fiona said too much pressure to keep going and that any cracks will be shown up will be used against us by others.
  15. Julia suggested to do all of the above but also know it's OK to have these emotions. Let them flow through.
  16. Tracey suggestion is to build a scrap book. If they have any magazines or images cut them out and stick on.
  17. Noon recomments to try the coach to 5km and start running to get happy endorphin.
  18. Zaphira said - It’s ok to feel down. We have plenty of reason to not feel quite right at the moment. I am finding the less I have to do the less I do. When I have shifts I achieve a lot more in half a day than a week without shifts!!
    Routine of things to look forward to and acknowledging that if you feel low it’s ok.
    I’ve organised a fundraising virtual bingo night a week Saturday.
    It’s going to be really silly and you have the chance to win lots of fabulous prizes.
    Zoom so you’ll see lots of faces
  19. Emily suggested to learn a new skill like knitting or crochet - great for focusing the mind.
  20. Find something positive to do to help others..Having something useful to do i think is good for keeping spirits up. There seem to be a fair few people making face coverings, scrubs etc to help out.. Could they offer to do some zoom/skype/whatsapp video reading with children in the family or maybe a short teaching session for young children in the family to give parents a break. Some great tips from Kalawati.
  21. Julius said if they can, got for a bike ride. You can go further afield than you can walking or running, so it is less repetitive and more interesting. It's also easier to maintain 'social distancing'.
  22. Get a Nintendo Switch - if possible to do so! If not, you can get an old DS very cheaply these days. Games I recommend for Switch - Super Mario Maker, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Pokemon Sword and Shield - super chill and lovely, can take them at whatever pace you want. For the old DS - I love the Pokemon franchise so really any of those games are fun. Mystery Dungeon games are underrated! Great advice from Heath.
  23. Lizzie suggested routine, exercise, diet. Fill your mind and body with good stuff. Switch off the news. Read those books you have always wanted to. Get free 30 days audible.
  24. Kelly says I’d say you’re not alone in these feelings. There’s going to be lots of bumps in the road. Remind them they’ll feel differently soon. They won’t always feel like this. It will pass.
    New day brings new start.
    My top tips to help perk up:
    Go outside for a walk
    Listen to upbeat music
    Try some exercise
    Eat something healthy
    Ring a friend
    Sort out a messy cupboard!
    Bit of self care- shower, shave, hair wash, skincare routine, make up, lipstick and wear something bright and different!
  25. Louise suggested to Ration the news.
    Once a day is plenty enough!
    Not first thing... it’s going to set the tone for the day.
    Not last thing at night or it could cause sleeplessness.
    5/6pm is a good time because you’ve already had time to fill the day with some of these other fantastic suggestions. 😊
  26. Karan's tips are to put on some fun music and move, shake, stretch your body! It releases feel-good hormones! Low mood & depression are states of energy, once we move we start to shift the pockets of stagnant energy in our bodies. Happy to chat some more about this or even give some ideas through a Zoom online class for you and your friends! 🌷
  27. A simple one from Alun - gin.
  28. Tim suggests to get an allotment. 'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow'.
  29. Thomas says to listen to Oh My Days Academy Podcast ;)
  30. Watch Dad's army, fools and horses, carry on films, I😊Great suggestions from Daniel.
  31. Fanny said put on a lovely film, get some popcorn and watch GUILT FREE.
  32. Kelvins advice it to Exercise.
  33. Great advice from Jose - Stop being so bloody self indulgent and remember how lucky they are!! There are people around the world such as Africa, India and South America amongst others whom are straving and literally having to break into shops to feed themselves and family. People living in the UK in high rised flats with no gardens or balconies to get fresh air. Old people stuck in flats alone and confused. My advice is to stop whining and perhaps go and help.
  34. Phil said Collywobbles News 5:30pm Saturday.
  35. Robin suggested that being busy always helps me whether it's a music project or a series of illustrations or animations but, I know that it's not for everyone. Walking is also cool, taking a bike ride (if you have one) is cool too. There are also many books to read & there's a lot uplifting videos on YouTube too. Just find busy.
  36. Kim said it is a worrying and difficult time. Myself and hubby have a 'live' coffee & chat show at 11.00am Mon - Fri over on my profile page. There is a lovely sense of community. We have such a giggle with lots of fun and banter and some live music. You and your friends are very welcome to join us for some laughter and a bit of escpaism from this mad reality. Take care.
  37.  Learn a new skill - I’m learning to play the piano! Always wanted to, never seemed to I’ve enough to time. I’m loving it and totally absorbed most of the day πŸ€—A great tip from Boze.


More details about Top Tips to Help Boost Your Mood (External Link)



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