Ardal O'Hanlon: Not Himself


Sun 19th Oct

Ardal O'Hanlon
After an alarming experience at the supermarket, Ardal reflects on who he is as a man and a comedian. He examines his own ethnic and religious background. And thinks twice about the very core of his identity as a voice of reason.

Is everything a big lie? With no major trauma of his own to draw on for material, apart from the drag of getting older, he also turns his gaze outwards at the joys and follies of contemporary life. Towel Animals? A.I.? Chair Yoga? Cauliflower as a main course? Yes. Yes. Yes. And Yes. No current idiocy is left un-examined. With a highly developed sense of the ridiculous, and proper comedy bones, NOT HIMSELF, is a testament to the healing power of humour. And the joy of jokes.

Content Warning
14+ May contain strong language


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