lmsworldwide ltd

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An Evening with Andy Hamilton


20 OCTOBER 2024

An Evening with Andy Hamilton
About An Evening with Andy Hamilton
In an intimate evening of comic reflection, reminiscence, and revelation, award-winning writer and comedian Andy Hamilton looks back over his more than forty years in comedy and seventy years on the planet and tries to answer some questions!

He recalls stories from his extensive professional career in comedy, and shares memories, anecdotes, and opinions, from the political to the personal. In the second half of the show, the audience can ask Andy questions on any topic at all.

Come and enjoy an enlightening and entertaining but above all funny evening with a master of comedy.



Click here for more information

More details about An Evening with Andy Hamilton (External Link)


lmsworldwide ltd

The Roses is a 370 seat theatre within a busy and popular arts centre in Tewkesbury. It has an eclectic programme of live events, take part activities, exhibitions and festivals. 

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