Contact Information:
The PATA Centre
Chequers Bridge Centre
Painswick Road
Tel: 01452 541244
Website: Click Here
Building Team Excellence (24 Jun 2025)
Building Team Excellence
Course Aim: this course aims to provide you with a better understanding of how to create a positive staff team environment which enables all staff to be the best they can be.
Course information: Early Years settings rely on their staff being able to work collaboratively towards common goals requiring clear communication and a shared understanding of their roles and responsibilities. When staff teams are under pressure issues can arise with conflict and low morale impacting on the quality of care and on staff wellbeing. We will share activities and ideas which you can take back to your setting.
Suitable For: Any Early Years Managers, Deputies and Room Leads
Delivered by: Kate Beevers who is a qualified teacher with over 25 years experience of working with children and their families; in Schools and Early Years settings.
Date: Tuesday 24th June Time: 6pm - 7:00pm
Venue: On-line
Cost: Members £21 / Non Members £39
Important additional Information:
- Before booking a place, please read our information sheet which can be found here
- Please ensure you complete the 'attendee name' and 'attendee email address' (of the person attending) to ensure we send the Teams Invitation to the correct email address. A 'contact telephone number' for the attendee is also required in case we need to contact them in an emergency.
- Please note zoom invitations will be sent out 24 hours before the course/meeting starts. We are unable to send out zoom invitations until your invoice has been settled. Payment is required within 7 days of the invoice date or 24 hours before a course/meeting starts (whichever is sooner).
- If payment cannot be made within this timeframe then please email training@pataglos.org.uk to agree an extension to your payment deadline, otherwise, your place on the course may be cancelled.
More details about Building Team Excellence (24 Jun 2025) (External Link)
The PATA Centre
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