The PATA Centre

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Chequers Bridge Centre
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Supporting Emotionally Vulnerable Children in Early Years with Zelpher Ferguson (22 May 2025)


Supporting Emotionally Vulnerable Children in Early Years with Zelpher Ferguson

Please book by Monday 28th April. Please see important information below regarding information required by Monday 28th April to tailor the course to attendee needs.

Emotional dysregulation describes behaviours that don't fall within the usual accepted range of young children’s reactions to events or experiences. It may be seen where there is a marked fluctuation in emotional responses, unexpected outbursts and separation anxiety; thus affecting social interactions, group dynamics and relationships at home and nursery/school. Children demonstrating emotional dysregulation may have experienced early childhood trauma, attachment disorder, neglect or abuse. This may include children with Autism, ADHD or other neurodivergent traits that are diagnosed, or as yet, undiagnosed. The training includes:

  • Signs of emotional dysregulation
  • An understanding of detached emotional development
  • Identifying the behaviour of children with high levels of guilt, shame and anger brought about by the actions of others
  • The effects of ACEs within the child’s household that have an impact on their behaviour and learning
  • Supporting vulnerable children, those in a state of hypervigilance, demonstrating unpredictable, high-risk or sexualised behaviours

Important Information; This session will aim to cover as many areas listed below as possible. Due to time constraints and to help Zelpher to tailor the session to your needs, please list three from the list below that you would be particularly interested in finding more about during the session (this is applicable to bookings made by Monday 28th April):

1.     Early Childhood Trauma
2.     Toxic Stress
3.     Attachment Disorders
4.     Neglect
5.     Physical, Emotional or Sexual Abuse
6.     Autism
7.     ADHD
8.     Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
9.     Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
10.   Pathological Demand Avoidance/Oppositional Defiant Disorder
11.   Learning Disabilities
12.   Physical Disabilities
13.  Speech & Language/Communication Needs

Delivered by: Zelpher Ferguson, a behavioural specialist.

Date: Thursday 22nd May

Venue: online 

Cost:     Members £38 / Non Members £71

Important additional Information:

  • Before booking a place, please read our information sheet which can be found here
  • Please ensure you complete the 'attendee name' and 'attendee email address' (of the person attending) to ensure we send the Zoom Invitation to the correct email address. A contact telephone number for the attendee is also required in case we need to contact them.
  • Please note zoom/teams invitations will be sent out 24 hours before the course/meeting starts. We are unable to send out zoom/teams invitations until your invoice has been settled. 
  • Payment is required within 7 days of the invoice date or 24 hours before a course/meeting starts (whichever is sooner). If payment cannot be made within this timeframe then please email to agree an extension to your payment deadline, otherwise, your place on the course may be cancelled.


More details about Supporting Emotionally Vulnerable Children in Early Years with Zelpher Ferguson (22 May 2025) (External Link)


The PATA Centre

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